91-Year Old Gets Harassed By 3 Bikers, Their Faces Turns Pale After Seeing His Revenge

Story starts below
Source: youtube.com

Earl, a 91-year-old man, was enjoying a quiet day outside his home when suddenly three bikers started bothering him. They thought Earl, being old, would just ignore them. But they didn't know Earl had a trick up his sleeve.

The moment Earl took his stand, the bikers' smiles vanished, replaced by sheer surprise.

An easy target
Source: shutterstock.com/roberjzm

When the bikers first saw the old man walking in the distance, they figured that they had an easy target to have some fun with. There was no way that this pensioner would be able to defend himself against the three of them and they were ready to take full advantage of that. They reffed their engines and quickly pulled up to Earl

Earl on his knees
shutterstock.com/Paul Burr
Source: shutterstock.com/Paul Burr

They started circling the startled old man and one of the bikers even gave him a push in the back which made Earl fall down to his knees. Much to the delight of the other bikers who were laughing their asses off. But what they did not like was that the old man did not seem all that frightened of them. They would relish it when people were fearful of them and it was seemingly not happening

Not afraid
shutterstock.com/Velimir Zeland
Source: shutterstock.com/Velimir Zeland

This lack of fear started to annoy the bikers. How did this weak old man seem so confident in the face of the imminent danger they were posing? They almost felt offended by the man’s attitude and so the bikers were ready to turn it up a notch. They stopped their bikes and got off, getting right in Earl’s face. All while the old man was still on the ground, having difficulty getting to his feet

Kicking the old man down
shutterstock.com/Bits And Splits
Source: shutterstock.com/Bits And Splits

And just as he was about to succeed, one of the bikers kicked his legs out from under him making him fall back to the stone floor. He just about managed to catch himself before slamming with his head into the ground. His phone also fell out of his pocket and of the other bikers quickly stomped on it breaking the equipment into pieces. And still, Earl did not seem afraid.

Police interference 
shutterstock.com/James Greenshields
Source: shutterstock.com/James Greenshields

The bikers had no intention of letting up their efforts to intimidate the old man, but suddenly they had no other choice. In the distance, they saw 2 police officers approaching on bicycles. They just happened to be passing by and saw the worrying scene, quickly jumping into action. The bikers reacted fast and got back on their bikes. They also flipped up their number plates so that they could not be traced back

 Quick escape
shutterstock.com/Lukas Gojda
Source: shutterstock.com/Lukas Gojda

They sped off and were of course much faster than the cops on bicycles, who did not even try to chase them, Their focus was on helping the old man who was still lying on the ground. The police feared the worst and at least figured that the man was injured. But before they got to him. Earl was already getting back on his feet and he was even smiling while getting up

Officers tried to help Earl
Source: shutterstock.com/Lighthunter

The police officers got by his side and offered to help him, but Earl wanted to get up by himself and declined the helping hands. Much to the surprise of the officers. The old man did not seem hurt, except for a couple of scratches on his hand from stopping his own fall. The officers wanted to take a statement from Earl, but he did not seem to be interested…