91-Year Old Gets Harassed By 3 Bikers, Their Faces Turns Pale After Seeing His Revenge

Story starts below
Source: youtube.com

Earl, a 91-year-old man, was enjoying a quiet day outside his home when suddenly three bikers started bothering him. They thought Earl, being old, would just ignore them. But they didn't know Earl had a trick up his sleeve.

The moment Earl took his stand, the bikers' smiles vanished, replaced by sheer surprise.

An easy target
Source: shutterstock.com/roberjzm

When the bikers first saw the old man walking in the distance, they figured that they had an easy target to have some fun with. There was no way that this pensioner would be able to defend himself against the three of them and they were ready to take full advantage of that. They reffed their engines and quickly pulled up to Earl